Free time is the most important part of our lives.

Do we hike with friends? Get up early and go to yoga? Order 🌯 delivery? These decisions create what we see in the mirror every day.

But it’s too damn easy to be lazy now.

Most tech companies are empowering us to be lazy: To binge đź“ş rather than see a concert, post a comment rather than call, or scroll social media rather than talk to our roomie.

The Nudge is here to change that.

We make tools that help you watch more sunsets, try new workouts, and sip 🍷 with friends. In other words, be your best self in your precious free time.

We’re building this for both of us.

Everyone on our team can relate to how hard it is to live our best lives these days. We get you because we are you.

We believe in an idea called #nudging.

Invite your crew to a concert with the perfect planner email? #nudging. When Reese hit the trails? #nudging. Drag yourself to a 6AM fitness class the day after a late happy hour? #nudging. It’s what we do when we realize life is short.

And we have big plans.

We’ll continue to build bigger and better tools to help us live our best lives.

We hope you’ll join us.